Conditions Générales 


Terms & Conditions of Sale UK - UE - NA

 1. Applicability; Conclusion of a Contract
 1.1 These terms and conditions of sale (these “Terms”) are the only terms which govern the sale of instruments, hardware and consumable products ("Products") by us to the purchaser of our Products ("Customer"). These Terms and the accompanying quotation, sales confirmation, bill of lading and/or invoice document (collectively, the “Contract”) comprise the entire agreement between Customer and us, and supersede all prior or contemporaneous understandings, agreements, representations and warranties, and communications, whether written or oral.

These Terms prevail over any pre-printed, standard or other terms set forth in Customer’s purchase order or any other document used to order Products and/or any third-party procurement platform, which are all hereby rejected and shall be void. Fulfilment of Customer’s order does not constitute acceptance of any of Customer’s terms and conditions and does not serve to modify or amend these Terms, and Customer’s terms and conditions are expressly rejected. Customer’s acceptance of any quotation is expressly subject to Customer’s assent to these Terms, and Customer's assent to these Terms shall be conclusively presumed from Customer’s submission of its purchase order to us

2. Pricing
2.1 Unless otherwise expressly stated, all price quotes are valid for thirty 3 days only (76hours). Our prices are exclusive of any value added and sales tax payable in the country of original delivery. Unless otherwise quoted, the cost of distribution, freight, handling and/or installation will be added to the price at the rate which is valid at the date of offering services. Prices are subject to adjustment on account of specifications, quantities, raw materials, cost of production, shipment arrangements (including without limitation, shipping outside of the country of original delivery), Customer’s delays in delivery, or other terms that were not part of the original quotation. .

2.2 All orders once placed are non-cancellable unless we consent to such cancellation in writing and Customer pays any applicable cancellation and/or restocking charges.

3. Conditions of Payment
3.1 Customer shall pay all invoiced amounts due immediately after booking. Payments shall be made directly to us without deduction.

3.2 In the case of Customer being in default with payment, the reservation can and will be canceled.

3.3 Set-off or application of any right of retention arising out of counterclaims by Customer which are disputed by us and not res judicata are excluded. The application of any right of retention is also excluded where the counterclaims of Customer do not arise under the Contract.
4. Inspection and Acceptance 4.1 Customer shall inspect the services immediately, give written notice to us of any claim that services offering constitute Nonconforming services. "Nonconforming services" means only the following: Product shipped is different than specified on Customer’s purchase order; Customer will be deemed to have accepted Products unless it notifies (The Saudi Investment Company LTD) in writing of any Nonconforming Services during the Inspection Period and furnishes such written evidence as required by If Customer offered services where defects or nonconformities are not apparent upon initial examination, or whose defects or nonconformities are not discovered until after the Inspection Period has passed, such Products shall be subject to the warranty provided by (The Saudi Investment Company LTD) .



128 City Road, London EC1V 2NX - UNITED KINGDOM
Company with capital of £500,000